What happens when the investigation is complete?

Within 30 days of receipt of the complaint, the compliance officer will prepare and send a final written decision to the complainant and respondent. If the compliance officer finds that a complaint has merit, the District will take appropriate corrective action.

If the complainant or respondent is not satisfied with the decision, either the complainant or respondent may, within five business days, file the complaint in writing with the Board. The Board may consider the matter at a Board meeting or decide not to hear the complaint, in which case the compliance officer’s decision shall be final. The Board’s decision must be within 60 calendar days of the District’s receipt of the complaint (unless this deadline is extended by mutual agreement).

The complainant or respondent may appeal the District’s decision within fifteen calendar days to the California Department of Education. The appeal must specify the reason for the appeal and whether the District’s facts are incorrect and/or the law is misapplied. The appeal must include a copy of the original complaint to the District and a copy of the District’s decision. For more information, visit the California

Department of Education’s webpage on Uniform Complaint Procedures: http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/cp/uc/index.asp.

For complaints alleging unlawful discrimination based on state law, the complainant may pursue available civil law remedies, including seeking assistance from mediation centers or public/private interest attorneys, sixty calendar days after filing an appeal with the California Department of Education. (California Education Code § 262.3.) Note that this sixty day moratorium does not apply to complaints seeking injunctive relief in state courts or to discrimination complaints based on federal law. (California Education Code § 262.3.)

Complaints may also be filed with the United States Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, within 180 days of the alleged discrimination. For Office for Civil Rights contact information, see the section above on “How do I file a complaint of sex discrimination?” To obtain a copy of the Office for Civil Rights complaint form, visit http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/complaintintro.html.